Oral Health: Don't Ignore Your GumsOral Health: Don't Ignore Your Gums

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Oral Health: Don't Ignore Your Gums

When you go to your dentist, you are likely concerned about cavities and the stains on your teeth. If you are like me, then you probably never thought much about your gums. Unfortunately, this caused me to form a serious gum recession condition. My dentist said that hard brushing practices, poor flossing techniques, and even the consumption of sugary foods led to the recession. After some deep scaling treatments, I was informed that I needed a gum graft procedure. The gums are extremely important to your health. They provide your teeth with the nutrients they need and they protect the sensitive dental roots. The gums even keep bacteria away from your jaw bone. Don't ignore your gums like I did. Read my blog and learn about proper oral care techniques. Prevention practices can easily save your gums from necessary restoration.

The Reasons for Root Canal: Why You May Need This Procedure

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that involves removing the damaged or infected inner part of a tooth which is the pulp. Despite being a common dental treatment, many patients feel apprehensive about undergoing a root canal. However, this procedure is essential for preserving the health and function of your teeth. 

Deep Tooth Decay

One of the most common reasons for needing root canal treatment is deep tooth decay. When cavities are left untreated, they can slowly eat away at the tooth’s enamel, eventually leading to infection of the inner tooth’s area. At this point, a root canal becomes necessary to remove the infected pulp and save the tooth from further damage. This procedure can help relieve the pain, improve the health of your tooth, and prevent further infections.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

Another reason for needing a root canal is a cracked or broken tooth. If the crack or break is severe and extends to the inner tooth area, it can expose the pulp to bacteria and infection. In some cases, a crack or break may also cause extreme pain and discomfort. A root canal may be necessary to relieve the pain and save the tooth.

Trauma to Teeth

Injuries or trauma to your teeth, such as getting hit in the face during sports, may also lead to the need for root canal treatment. The impact can cause the pulp to become damaged or infected, leading to discomfort and pain. A root canal can help alleviate the pain while preserving the tooth.

Repeated Dental Procedures

Repeated dental procedures, such as multiple fillings or crowns, can also lead to a root canal. A tooth that has undergone many previous dental treatments may have a weakened structure, and the pulp may become damaged, leading to infection.

Gum Disease

Untreated gum disease can cause the gum tissue to pull back from the teeth, leading to pockets where bacteria can accumulate. Over time, this bacteria can reach the inner tooth area, leading to infection. Root canal treatment may be necessary to remove the infected pulp and stop the spread of infection.

In conclusion, root canal treatment is an important dental procedure that can alleviate pain, prevent further damage to your teeth, and save your teeth from potential loss. If you are suffering from tooth pain or discomfort, it’s essential to visit your dentist as soon as possible to evaluate the situation. They can determine whether you need a root canal and will provide you with the necessary guidance.

Learn more from a root canal specialist near you like those at New Jersey Root Canal.